Tuesday, September 15, 2009

As odd as it is the Expo isn't that far.

289 days left

As for Meg we haven't gotten her outfit made yet. I want to wait a little longer. Becca needs to be a little more firm in the body. haha But there's hardly any work to do with Becca. haha This is going to be one of a kind Expo I can already tell ><>

We've got some poses to work with. haha Jo's outfit just got finished and finalized. I'm thrilled to say that it should be here in a week or two. Which I'm fine with since I want to work with it as much as I can. Now the wig, guns, and contacts (which I won't be getting until I have 3 months to go til the Expo.)

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. It's fun to have something to look forward to. That is awesome! What a fun blog, by the way! Very nice.
