Thursday, April 22, 2010

Things have changed

69 days until the Anime Expo..... We have some news for you all.... or any one if any of you actually read this. We are not doing Burst Angel. I'm going back to Blood+, Gavin will join me as Amshel, and Rebecca will be a Lolita girl.

Next year we will have Haji, Diva, Salomon, Nathaniel, and a few others join this group of ours. My goal is to get EVERYONE in the top picture in cosplay for next year. Now we'll see if I can do it. :)Above... is Gavin and I. Below are the characters we dressed as. I'm working on making the character's outfits better. Looking for that right wig at the moment. Very excited since the expo is really close now. I can't wait. :)

Have a wonderful day. I know the last time was when there was 130 days left. I lost hope in our cosplay at the time. But, now I'm back and BETTER THAN EVER!!!! ^^

Stay warm stay happy,
Hannah & Rebecca

Saturday, February 20, 2010

130 days left!!!! OH BOY!!!!! : )

I know we still have like... ALMOST 5 months!!! Wow... I remember when it was like 12 months and I was freaking out. ><>.>
Like weekly payments... or something. lol Ok I have to go and get ready for work. -.- *sigh*

Have a good day! :)

I remember some people saying bigger fount is easier to read... so here you go. :)
Big enough?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Crunching Time

That's what it looks like when I fart while Hannah is driving.
Not that Jo is driving in that picture. Because she isn't.
And not that I fart.
Because girls don't fart.
Glad we got that covered.

O.o I can't believe she just said that! I know I haven't posted for a while so here we are posting. We have about 165 more days until the expo. This is where the crunching begins. We start to do the tanning for the characters, posing, voice acting as well. Yes. Voice acting. My goal is to be able to do Jo's voice with no problems going from my normal voice to hers. I have some SERIOUS work to do. But, I'm totally ready for it.... kind of! haha Okay, time for me to crunch the homework. ><>

bye bye,
The Cosplay Sisters

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Putting a title to make One-san happy. O.o

One-chan is nagging me about not having posted anything in "quite some time" (ba-dump-dump-psh! I'm so funny. Sorry people who don't understand it, it's an inside joke ^.^ Heh...) so this post shall be written by me. I don't really know why we're posting stuff when no one is even reading this yet, but hey. Why not? Hannah's answer: It's fun.
Personally I find it rather disheartening but maybe if I keep writing and writing and writing then the blue fairy will descend from above and grant my wish! Then I'll become a magical fairy princess and the world will revolve around me! Okay, sorry, I'll stop being cynical now >.<
So the picture above is Jo and Meg watching a scary movie in a movie theatre on one of their few days off. If this were me and Hannah watching the scary movie, depending on what was scary about it (i.e. Zombies would probably scare Hannah and giant spiders would scare the pee out of me for sure), then the pose would probably be the same for us. Well if it were zombies I wouldn't be as scared, so maybe Hannah would be the one clenching onto my arm so hard that I wouldn't feel any circulation going through at all... I wonder. Hey lets try it out!!! *Calls to Hannah* Let's go watch Resident Evil!!! *snicker*
Hannah hates that movie.
With a passion.
I haven't seen it yet though. Would like to.
Oh! My arms are getting stronger ^.^
That makes me happy.
Well except for when they're really tired afterwards. Then I'm not happy. Yeah.
I'm thinking about roller blading to school sometimes. Excellent exercise for das Legs. Which isn't proper German. German for leg is "bein". Just so you know. Don't get them mixed up, some mean German person will come up to you and punch you in the face.
I'm done.
Kudos to the first person to read this.
Ne-chan, Signing out!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

As odd as it is the Expo isn't that far.

289 days left

As for Meg we haven't gotten her outfit made yet. I want to wait a little longer. Becca needs to be a little more firm in the body. haha But there's hardly any work to do with Becca. haha This is going to be one of a kind Expo I can already tell ><>

We've got some poses to work with. haha Jo's outfit just got finished and finalized. I'm thrilled to say that it should be here in a week or two. Which I'm fine with since I want to work with it as much as I can. Now the wig, guns, and contacts (which I won't be getting until I have 3 months to go til the Expo.)

Have a great day!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Body Art


So, Ne-chan and I have now finished Burst Angel. We both are not happy with the ending. I figured it would happen. The good guys never really get the happiest endings in Manga.

Well... here is Jo's tattoo kind of thing. It is her marking. When she is under stress her tattoo shows up. It's called the Devil's wings. It's a pretty nifty name. Especially for Jo. haha

People (in the show) say that those that see her tattoo don't live to see the next day. O.o that's not good. But, then again that shows how she is. Doesn't think twice. Not good >.<

I'm going to have mom do art up my arm and over my back. We just need to find shinny purple stuff. So far no good. I'm thinking purple permenit ink marker. Seems to be the best think. I know mom will need to practice this as well since it goes over to the right shoulder blade.

This is one big tattoo. It's going to be AWESOME! ^^

I'm such and odd ball ><>

But It will be tons of fun. It will be a nice outfit too. Nice and cool. Since in July it's about high 80s low 90s it might even be in the 100s. We'll just have to wait and see when the time comes.

Have a good day!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Episode 24 part 2

So close and yet, so far. I am at Episode 24 part 2. This is the last episode. I'm SO sad and yet SO happy. I've never finished a show SO fast. EVER! ><

Ok, well this is Jo, again, and her two Desert Eagles. Since I'm not allowed to bring really fire arms to the Expo I will be buying to Desert Egale air shot guns and make them look like Jo's.

Jo is a really cool girl. She was born and raised to fight, anything stronger than her. That's HUGE since there are alot of things that are stronger than her. But no matter what she defeats all of them and goes back out and takes on the rest of them. It's really cool.

Another really cool thing about her is that when she gets under alot of stress and pressure she gets this design (kind of like a tattoo), from her left hand to her right shoulder blade.

She is going to be VERY fun to work with since her poses are unlimited and all the pictures I could take becuse of her and her tattoo thingy. Her guns will be TONS of fun too.

Well today, has started out.... BAD! T.T (that means I'm glaring at the computer.) When I woke up the power was out which left me very confused, and kind of scared. Since I had work at 10:45 I slightly panicked. With out REALLY thinking I called work and told Patty my problem. Since I didn't have a way to fix my problem she didn't really care. >,<

Well I know it's random and I don't really have to talk about it I just had to get it out there since it's been bugging me. haha

Well I hope your day is cool,